A Good Turn of Phrase February 13, 2018

A Good Turn of Phrase

A Good Turn of Phrase is a 2-part series of full-color books that offer comprehensive presentation and extensive practice of commonly used idioms, phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases at an advanced level. The books are suitable for use in the classroom or for self-study.

Book 1 ( Advanced Idiom Practice) contains 15 units each presenting and practicing English idioms in current use.

 Idioms are presented in context through dialogues, articles, letters and extracts, and are then tested in such activities as "key-word" transformation, multiple choice, gap filling, word matching, crosswords and picture discussion. A glossary listing all the idioms featured is included at the back of the book.

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A Good Turn Of Pharse Book - 1 [14 MB]
 A Good Turn Of Pharse Book - 2 [9 MB]